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Who’s Got Game? – The Art of the PickUp Line

Robyn Lynne Norris

With The Popularity Of Online Dating Words Are More Important Now Than Ever…

Sure you need to post a killer Profile Pic. But beyond that, NO ONE is going to message you if the words in your profile aren’t telling a story — A clever, funny, totally YOU story.

Guys, remember that women’s Inboxes are FLOODED with messages. You really need a good intro line to stand out from the crowd.

We Asked Our Audience Members At #DateMe: An OkCupid Experiment To Provide Some Of Their Killer Pick-Up Lines.


Here’s what we found…

The Classics…


We get a variation of that one a lot. It works.


I mean, I don’t know if it’s a classic. But it SHOULD be.

The Unconventional…


Not especially romantic. But if you like fried foods like I do, then LET’S DO THIS!

But brush your teeth afterwards. No one wants to kiss a STINK-O.

The Lewd…


Really, Patrick? REALLY?! Hats off to you, dude. If it works, it works. (Although I think it might only be working in your MIND).

So, Patrick was very direct. But you could also go the Poetic route…




Ok. It’s not really that Lewd. But the logic defies me. If I had a shovel in my pocket, my ass would look pretty freaking weird. And I certainly don’t want you DIGGING it. Gross!


Aww… you ALMOST got me. I mean it kind of ends sweet so you almost forget that it starts with a BOOB Reference!

And then there’s this…


I personally love the very GIRLY handwriting! But…

I Feel Like That’s Not How You Spell The C-Word?

As written, that looks like it would be pronounced “Cooming”.

Seriously, try using this line at a bar pronouncing it that way.

DO IT! And then get back to me with the results. I’m pretty sure things won’t be “Cooming” Out on Top and that you’ll Strike “Oooot”.

We need to put a stop to this section or we’ll be here all day. I mean…

You Can Really Make ANY Topic Sound Dirty.


I would reply to this one with…

Yes, I’m hot and ready… ready to eat pizza, sit on the couch, and falls asleep early.

AKA, you’re NOT getting laid by comparing me to Pizza!!

I Personally Like The Nerdy Ones…


These girls are adorable and have a sense of humor. AND they love Star Wars and make Nerdy Puns. WIN!



And sometimes it’s just a matter of thinking alike.

These Two Should Get Together…


Kind of an odd Question, Philrod! Do you want to move in with her parents? Or do you just dig a chick that lives at home and has expendable income due to Zero rent?

Nevertheless, it might have worked because…



And now for the one that hits closest to home…

Self-Deprecation Is My Jam

Are you an Antiquer? Cause I have some junk that hasn’t been touched in years. 😦

I mean, I’m ALL IN here. My co-dependant self can’t resist this guy who has a sense of humor about his struggling dating life. And I want to FIX him!

What’s YOUR Best Pickup Line?

Comment below! We’ll be featuring more of our favorites in future posts.

And Speaking of Future Posts — Keep logging in to see some of the REAL Pickup Lines men sent to me when I did my OkCupid Experiment.

And come see #DateMe: An OkCupid Experiment at the UP Comedy Club through November 6th. You can test out your pickup lines IN PERSON!

Later Daters!



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