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Tracy NEEDS Cats – I’m Looking To Adopt!

Robyn Lynne Norris

Could You Fall In Love With a Cat Lady?

Yep. That’s me. As a Crazy Cat Lady.

More Specifically, TracyLovesCats — one of the characters I posted on OkCupid during my Online Dating Social Experiment.

As you may recall…

Tracy LOVES Cats. A Lot.

The only thing she mentions in her online dating profile is her KITTIES. And she’s got a message for you.

Hello! Tracy Here…

I need your help! It’s a Typical Meow Monday here where I’ve been playing with my KITTIES! Meowing, Prancing, Kitty Tea Parties — You know, the USUAL.

My Kitties are the CUTEST. Each one is a special unique little Nugget.

What’s that? You want to see some PICS?

Okay. Lucky for you, I carry them with me at all time – DUH!

Meet My Current Kitties!

As you can see, their names reflect their ADORABLE personalities!

I CAN’T GET ENOUGH. And I need your help.

I’m Looking To Adopt!

That’s right. I NEED more kitties! And I know there are some Fabulous Felines out there just looking for a home.

Since I rarely leave the house (Turdburglar has separation anxiety), I need to get the word out.

And with the re-opening of #DateMe: An OkCupid Experiment on September 2nd, I figure that’s a huge audience I can hit up for kitty pics.

So I’m asking YOU, my online friends, and our #DateMe audience to…

Send Me YOUR Kitty Pics!


Paw-lease Adopt Me!

Every Week I’ll Choose One New Kitty To Adopt…

Here are some Guidelines to capitalize on the Feline Fun:

  1. Show Me Their Purrrsonality

  2. Costumes and Props = HUGE Plus

  3. Crazy Cat Poses — Show Off Their Cat-Titude.

  4. Don’t Be Lazy. Be Cathletic — Send Me Kitties in Action with VIDEOS.

  5. Talent – if you’ve got a Meowsician, show it off — I don’t have a cat that plays the Trumpet…YET.

  6. Get Creative. Think Outside the Litter Box!

Once chosen, I’ll feature Each Kitty’s Profile…

  1. Kitty’s Photo

  2. Kitty’s Name

  3. Kitty’s Hobbies

  4. Kitty’s Pet Peeves

…on Instagram, FacebookTwitter, and right here on DateMe Diaries.

So send me Your Cat Pics.

Check weekly for new kitties!

And THANK YOU for your help. Your recommendations are important. Because…

Adopting Kitties Is Serious Business.

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