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Holiday Hiatus (Sort Of)

Robyn Lynne Norris

If You’re Wondering Where We Are…

Don’t Worry! DateMeShow WILL be back!

Our Live Stage Show #DateMe: An OkCupid Experiment is on a brief Holiday Hiatus. We’ve been going nonstop for almost two years, so…. we’re taking a BREAK!

But, Don’t Worry, We’ll Never Stop LOVING YOU.

DateMe Diaries is taking most of the rest of 2016 off.

It’s the first break I’ve had on this show in literally FOUR years. So I’m taking advantage of the time to handle some personal stuff so we can come back bigger and better than ever in 2017!

I do have a couple fun posts lined up for the end of 2016:

  1. A Very Undateable Holiday Character

  2. Our 2016 Wrap-Up.

And then we’ll be back in 2017 with more regular posts.

“But Where Will #DateMe be next? I want to see the show.”

I Promise, We Are NOT Breaking Up With You!

Look, I get it. When guys in the past told me we were “On A Break” they were just too scared I was gonna cry (I WAS).

So they cushioned it with that “break” nonsense and let my heart die a little each day while I slowly accepted the reality of a full blown “Break UP”.

But that’s not what this is! We ARE coming back.

We’ll let you know as soon as we can about our next stop. But we don’t want to lead you on… so just stay tuned.

In the meantime… sending you much LOVE.

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